Youth Response Monthly
Published: 11 December 2023
Our main goal has always been to make sure our youths are safe. Please take note we are limited to what actions we can ‘physically’ do. We attended one incident in particular that was rather concerning involving a very intoxicated youth. This person was unaware of their surroundings and was causing the public some distress. We stayed with the youths and contacted the emergency services and waited till they arrived on multiple occasions to make sure they were safe. Please understand we have limited actions we can take physically in these situations. All the incidents we saw last night all parties where collected safely in the end. On a positive note the Hornsea Christmas lights look fantastic. We are also running a Free twilight multisports and youth work sessions on the HSLC 3G pitch every Friday 6pm till 8pm. Its a fantastic opportunity to meet new friends, have fun just chill in a welcoming and safe place. See you there. If you require more details about this please email us on We will continue to look out for our youths and hope you all understand our limitations when it comes to tricky situations.
The Focus this month is on .........................Domestic Violence and abuse. We define domestic abuse as an incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, in the majority of cases by a partner or ex-partner, but also by a family member or carer. It is more common than you think. Domestic abuse can include, but is not limited to, the following: Coercive control (a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation and control with the use or threat of physical or sexual violence) Psychological and/or emotional abuse [2]. Physical or sexual abuse. Financial or economic abuse. Harassment and stalking. Online or digital abuse. Most people will experience some difficulties in their relationships. But to know whether you’re being abused in a relationship, you should look at how the behaviour of your partner or family member makes you feel. If you feel intimidated, controlled or unable to speak out, that’s abuse. Here are some signs you might be in a relationship and being abused — Your partner criticises you and makes you doubt yourself, or doubt things happening around you. You might start believing you’re unattractive, or lucky to have a partner at all. You feel anxious and stressed in your partner’s presence. You worry about how your partner might react and this makes you change your behaviour (like staying in more) to avoid arguments with them. You feel intimidated and scared of your partner when they get angry — their behaviour might be unpredictable or aggressive. You’re made to feel guilty and not given the freedom to do things you want to do. Your partner might control you by telling you who you can and can’t see, or emotionally blackmail you. (Your partner might make you feel like you can’t do these things even without explicitly saying so, or might make it logistically difficult.) Here are some website for more information if required -