Since setting up in July 2001 the Hornsea In Bloom Committee have been busy in the town.
With permission from St. Nicholas Church, Newbegin, money was raised for plants and bulbs. Spring Garden Centre also donated some plants and Hornsea In bloom planted the churchyard wall and path edges. The wall and path edges are still maintained by volunteers.
On make a difference day back in October 2001 a joint event was organised with the Countryside Society and with the help of other organisations in the town 8 sacks of different types of daffodil bulbs chosen to flower at different times and purchased by the Town Council were planted.
Over the years bulbs have been planted on the four entrance roads into Hornsea, under the welcome signs, along the paths on the rail trail and along the hedge on Rolston Road.
Morrow Avenue Garden has seen a variety of flowers and shrubs planted chosen to withstand the gale force winds and sea spray along with a pebble mosaic for the centre section of the garden built and designed in partnership with the Hornsea Senior School.
Hornsea In Bloom organised a stall at events held throughout the town to raise money for plants and bulbs and to talk to people about what they are doing within the town and how volunteers could help them to achieve more.
A competition was held each year organised by the Committee for the most colourful:- 1/ Front Garden 2/ Planter or Basket 3/ Public Building 4/ Residential Home with a certificate and money prize going to each category.
The Hornsea in Bloom group is no longer active in Hornsea, however, Hornsea Town Council would like to thank sincerely Mrs Christine Sumner for all her hard work with Hornsea in Bloom over a number of years.