Garages, Repairs etc.

Peart Auto Services

Specialists in Motor Body Repair
Also Available: Servicing, Diagnostics, Exhausts, Tyres
Free Estimates, Free courtesey Car, Free local collection and delivery
Quaker Road, Owstwick, East Yorkshire, HU12 0LH
Tel: 01964 671503 - 07970 046447

Central Garage

Service, Repairs & MOT Work
28 Cliff Road, Hornsea. HU18 1LN
Tel: 01964 533572

D & B Car & Commercials Limited

Sales, Hire & Repair, MOT Testing
Unit 1 Park View, Leven Road, Brandesburton, East Yorkshire. YO25 8RT
Tel: 01964 543222 - 07974 245276

John Green Merehead Garage

Repair & Service & MOT of all cars and light vans (class IV)
Old Bridge Road, Hornsea. HU18 1RP
Tel: 01964 535886 - Fax: 01964 536199

Lakeside Motor Company

Used Car Sales
Southgate, Hornsea. HU18 1RE
Tel: 01964 533128

Maple Garage Limited

Ssang Yong, Proton, Vauxhall Sales, Servicing, MOT, Parts, Body Shop
Mappleton, Nr. Hornsea. HU18 1XT
Tel: 01964 534144

Seaton Garage & Engineering Co.

MOT, Service & Repairs to most Makes & Models
Bosch Service Centre, Hornsea Road, Seaton, East Yorkshire. HU11 5RQ
Tel: 01964 533866 - Fax: 01964 535910

Steve Thompson

Motor Refinishers, Car, Van body repairs, insurance authorised repairer
Old Bridge Road, Hornsea. HU18 1RP
Tel: 01964 533433 - 07966 788396