D-Day 8oth Anniversary

Published: 19 September 2023

D-Day on 6 June 1944 was the largest Naval, Air and land Operation in history, involving many hundreds of thousands of brave men who had to leave their families at home, not knowing if they would ever return home, a feat we hope will never have to take place again. The heroism of those who landed on the shores of the Normandy beaches, represented a beacon of light for the world during a particularly dark period of war. It is therefore fitting that local communities throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK Overseas Territories and those along the shorelines of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches in Normandy, France, should light Beacons on 6 June 2024, in 'tribute to the light of peace that they brought out from the misery of darkness during that dreadful campaign, of which many unfortunately did not return.

The beacon will be lit at 9.15pm on 6 June 2024 following The International Tribute. This will co-incide with beacons being lit at multiple other locations, including the 5 beaches of the Normandy landings.